One Check Mark for the Bucket List!

Ok, this is NOT going to be a book post (obviously). But I finally got to live a childhood dream and, hey, I wanna brag about it. 😉

This past weekend, my friend Melisa and I got to finally see New Kids on the Block in concert!!! It was AMAZING. Even people who don’t like their music would have to admit they put on a heck of a show.

Say “Hi”, Melisa!

Even the sideliners were awesome! The starting bands were…wait for it…Boyz II Men & Paula Abdul! Each group did about half an hour, mostly featuring their classics.


Boyz II Men did a great set with everything from ‘In The Still Of The Night’ to ‘End Of The Road’. They even handed out roses during ‘I’ll Make Love To You’! Paula danced for half an hour straight; I don’t know how she does it! She also did a nice homage to Gene Kelly. 🙂

The New Kids themselves did a full hour and a half! They started out with a bunch of new songs, which I will admit I mostly didn’t know. 😉 They were jammin’ though! The boys were all over the place: on the back stage, the front stage, lining the audience…Donnie even crowd surfed!


Towards the end, they did a wonderful timeline montage of older songs (they even did a quick change to look the part!). Joey pulled out ‘Please Don’t Go Girl’ and Jordan gave us ‘I’ll Be Lovin’ You Forever’, both in their signature falsettos. The boys all sang a cute little Christmas song and Jonathan even sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to one lucky audience member. 🙂

Ah, the denim romper; how I haven’t missed thee. 😉

My friend and I had REALLY good seats, but we still couldn’t resist rushing the stage when the boys came down to the secondary stage to sing ‘Summertime’ (even though it DID end up putting us in the line of fire for a couple of overly-enthusiastic fans who almost got in a fistfight over who got to stand closest to Jordan! Eep!).

Look how close we got! 😀

All in all, it really was the concert of a lifetime. I had an amazing time and am ridiculously happy that I was able to attend. 🙂

What are the best concerts that you’ve been to?

T5W – I Don’t Want Your Love

Ack! I go away for one week and miss my perfect Top 5 Wednesday topic!!!

Today’s T5W topic is: Books Without Romance. (See, told you!)

To be fair, this is actually a hard topic, even for me. Half the lists I’ve seen include children’s books or at least children as the main character. I myself was tempted to include a couple non-fiction books. But I really think all the books listed should be adult (or YA) fiction in order to hold true to the spirit of the topic.

Doctor Sleep (Stephen King)

16130549I’ll admit, it’s been 2 or 3 years since I read this one, so I can’t be 100% sure there WASN’T romance in it. But if there was, I definitely don’t remember it. Doctor Sleep is the sequel to The Shining; it follows Danny into adulthood and depicts a brand-new adventure with horrifying vampire-demon things and a new kid sidekick with mental powers. It was actually REALLY good. If you like Stephen King, I’d highly recommend it.

The Buntline Special (and subsequent Weird West Tales) (Mike Resnick)


This is a fun series. It pulls in a lot of real-life ‘old west’ characters, such as Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, Geronimo, Billy the Kid, Teddy Roosevelt, and more; but the stories actually take place in an alternate universe, where shamans can do real magic and are holding the border at the Mississippi River. Doc Holliday, the main character, does have an on again/off again with a saloon owner, but it is not AT ALL part of the main plot.

NPCs (Drew Hayes)

22088245Now, I haven’t read any of the other books in the series, but this first book is fairly limited on the “I love you so much” scale. In this first novel, the NPCs (non-player characters) in a role playing game suddenly have to take on the roles of the heroes in order to save their town from a tyrannical king. The characters are much more focused on their adventure than romance, though there IS some foreshadowing that romance might occur in the future.

The Shack (William Paul Young)

1812457This is probably the closest I’ll get to cheating. A book where the main character spends 80% of the time having a face-to-face with God and 10% of the rest has to do with his child being kidnapped? Yeah, not much time for romance in this one.

Welcome to Night Vale (Joseph Fink & Jeffery Cranor)

51IZUXor7hL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_The creators of the Welcome to Night Vale podcast really outdid themselves on their first novel. They managed to take a bunch of very minor characters from the show and create an entire novel, with those characters coming together to solve a huge mystery that started out as an off-hand comment. It’s amazing! There ARE a few hints to a previous relationship…and of course Cecil can’t ever NOT talk about Carlos, but the majority if this story has nothing to to with romance.

So how about it? Do YOU know any great stories that don’t have any romance in them? I would LOVE to get some feedback on this one, so I can start a TBR list! 😀